Steps in Job Analysis

Photo by Mark Fletcher-Brown on Unsplash

The job analysis process is broken down into six phases:

1. Determine the Use of the Job Analysis Information

Begin by determining the purpose for which the data will be used, since this will dictate the sort of data you gather and the method you employ to collect it.

2. Collection of Background Information

The make-up of a work, its relationship to other jobs, and its criteria for competent performance are key information needed for a job evaluation. Reviewing accessible background information such as organisational charts and class requirements can provide this knowledge.

3. Selection of Jobs for Analysis

Job analysis is a time-consuming and expensive procedure. As a result, for the purposes of study, a representative sample of occupations must be chosen. It is also possible to determine the priorities of certain jobs. A job may be chosen because its content has changed without being documented. A request for a work analysis may come from an employee, a supervisor, or a manager.

4. Collection of Job Analysis Data

Job data on job characteristics, required employee qualifications, and requirements should be collected from the employees who actually perform the job, from other employees who observe the workers doing the job and thus gain knowledge about it, or from outside individuals known as trade job analysts who are assigned to observe employees performing the job.

5. Organizing the Data

Once the job analysis data has been gathered, the following step is to organise it in a way that will be beneficial to people in charge of various personnel tasks. A number of difficulties occur as a result of this. First, how much information is required? Second, can the results of the job analysis be stated numerically? These must be carefully evaluated.

6. Preparing Job Descriptions and Job Classifications

To produce the job description form, the obtained job information must be processed. It's a declaration that lists all of the job's activities in detail. Separate job description forms might be utilised for different aspects of the work and afterwards combined. These description forms are used to conduct a job analysis. These documents can be used as a guide in the future.

7. Developing Job Specifications

On the basis of the data gathered, job requirements are also created. It is a declaration of the person's minimal acceptable attributes for the job. It establishes the benchmark against which a person's characteristics are evaluated. A job analyst creates such a statement by considering the abilities necessary to do the job correctly.


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