F. W. Taylor’s Contribution to the Development of Management Thought/Science

The contribution of F. W. Taylor to management thought is as explained below:

1. Emphasis on rational thinking: Taylor suggested rational thinking on the part of management for raising efficiency and productivity. He wanted managements to replace old methods and techniques by Modern methods which will raise productivity and offer benefits to all concerned parties. He was in favour of progressive, scientific and rational thinking on the part of management on all managerial problems. Such progressive outlook is essential for the introduction of new techniques and methods in the Management.

2. Introduction of better methods and techniques of production: F. W. Taylor suggested the importance of improved methods and techniques of production. Work-study techniques are his contribution to management thought. He suggested new methods after systematic study and research. Taylor recommended the use of new methods for raising overall efficiency and productivity.

3. Emphasis on planning and control of production: Taylor suggested the importance of production planning and control for high production, superior quality production and also for low cost production. He introduced the concept of production management in a systematic way.

4. Importance of personnel and personnel department: Taylor suggested the importance of manpower in management. He was in favour of progressive personnel policies for the creation of efficient and satisfied labour force. He suggested the need of personnel department and its importance. He favored incentive wage payment to workers.

5. Industrial fatigue and rest pauses: Taylor noted the nature of industrial fatigue and suggested the introduction of suitable rest pauses for removing such fatigue of workers. He wanted to reduce the burden of work on workers through the use of scientific methods.

6. Time and motion study: Taylor introduced new concepts like time study, motion study and work study in the field of industrial management such concepts are for the introduction of new methods which will be more quick, scientific and less troublesome to workers.

The positive view of scientific management was described by Taylor as "Science, not rule of thumb; Harmony, not discord; Co-operation, not individualism; maximum output in place of restricted output. The development of each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity".

F.W. Taylor a rightly treated as father of scientific management. In fact, through his concept of scientific management, Taylor actually developed a new science of management which is applicable not only to management of industrial units but also to the management of all other business units. He suggested certain techniques which can be applied purposefully to all aspects of management of business activities. This is treated as Taylor’s unique contribution to management thought.

The fundamental principles suggested by F. W. Taylor in his scientific management can be treated as his contribution to management thought. In fact, Taylor suggested scientific attitude and a new philosophy for discarding old and outdated ideas and techniques. He was instrumental for the introduction of new ideas and techniques in the science of management. These ideas aid techniques are now accepted in theory as well as in practice.

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