Different types of Entrepreneurs

On the basis of nature Clarence Danhof classified entrepreneurs into four categories. These are:

1) Innovative entrepreneurs: An innovative entrepreneur in one, who introduces new goods, inaugurates new method of production, discovers new market and recognizes the enterprise. It is important to note that such entrepreneurs can work only when a certain level of development is already achieved and people look forward to change and improvement.

2) Imitative entrepreneurs: These types of entrepreneurs creatively imitate the innovative technical achievement made by another firm. Imitative entrepreneurs are suitable for underdeveloped countries as it is hard for them to bear the high cost of innovation. 

3) Fabian entrepreneurs: Fabian entrepreneurs are characterized by very great caution and skepticism to experiment any change in their enterprises. They usually do not take any new challenge. They imitate only when it becomes perfectly clear that failure to do not so would result in a loss of the relative position in the enterprise. 

4) Drone entrepreneurs: They are characterized by a refusal to adopt any change even at cost of severely reduction of profit. 

Some other types of entrepreneurs: 
A) Solo operators: These are the entrepreneurs who essentially work alone and if needed at all employ a few employees. In the beginning most of the entrepreneurs start their enterprises like them. 

B) Active partners: Active partners are those entrepreneurs who start or carry on an enterprise as a joint venture. It is important that all of them actively participate in the operations of the business. 

C) Innovators: Such entrepreneurs with their competence and creativity innovate new products. Their basic interest lies in research and innovative activities. 

D) Buyers’ entrepreneurs: These are the entrepreneurs who do not like to bear much risk. They do not take the risk of production but take the risk of marketing a product i.e. wholesaler and retailer. 

E) Life timers: These entrepreneurs believe business as an integral part of their life. These entrepreneurs actually inherit their family business i.e. goldsmith, potter etc. 

F) Challengers: These are the entrepreneurs who initiate business because of the challenges it presents. They believe that ‘No risk, No gain’. When one challenge seems to be met, they begin to look for new challenges. 

Beside these, there are Govt. and Non-govt. entrepreneurs. 
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